31°57’2.90″N 112°51’42.09″W
An ambisonic recording made by Dr. Garth Paine at Senita Basin, just 4 miles from the US-Mexico boarder ( 31°57’2.90″N, 112°51’42.09″W) is included in the Cycling74 Max8 software release to showcase the new multichannel audio systems.
As Max8 does not include ambisonic decoders as standard, the file was rendered as an 8 channel horizontal surround file.
Several ambisonic option are available for Max such as the HOA Library, ICST Tools, and a host of excellent plugins such as those by Blue Ripple Sound
It is great that our ongoing work in documenting the acoustic ecologies of these contested lands is finding a new voice on the computers of thousands of people world wide. Just check the mc.sfplay~ help file and click the senita-8ch file
Thanks to Cycling74 for their support of our work. Listen to hundreds of hours of field recordings of the US SW deserts for free online.